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Is Wynnum QLD safe?

In 2023, the police division of Wynnum, Queensland recorded 6112 offences which is above average by a total of 5692 offences. The average for QLD divisions is 420. Based on number of offences, the rank of Wynnum is 285 out of 334 QLD Divisions

Below you can find more statistics from the QLD police to help you decide if is a good, safe suburb to visit, live or buy a property in.

Wynnum Crime Statistics

This data was last updated on the 23th of November 2023 and sourced from QLD Police with data through to June 2023. For definitions of offences and crimes please refer to QLD Police’s Explanatory Notes.

2017-2022 Homicide, Manslaughter & Related Offences

The QLD police record and release statistics on homicide, manslaughter and related offences. Wynnum, QLD recorded a total of 0 murder/s or homicide/s in 2023 with 0 attempted murder/s. In 2022 Wynnum recorded a total of 0 murder/s or homicide/s in 2023 with 0 attempted murder/s. Find out more below about manslaughters, conspiracy to murder and more.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Attempted Murder30010200
Other Homicide80121202
Conspiracy to Murder00000000
Manslaughter Excl. by Driving00000000
Manslaughter Unlawful Striking Causing Death00000000
Driving Causing Death50111002

2017-2023 Assault & Acts Intended to Cause Injury

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen 198 assault/s were recorded with 84 considered serious. Of those assaults were grievous assaults. In 2022 Wynnum, QLD saw 290 assault/s were recorded with 145 considered serious. Of those assaults were grievous assaults.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Grievous Assault4231075773
Serious Assault634841459993677868
Serious Assault Other17625342230232121
Common Assault461861018647344265

2017-2023 Robbery, Armed Robbery & Unarmed Robbery Offences

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen 5 robberies with 5 armed robberies. In 2022 Wynnum, QLD saw 27 robberies with 14 armed robberies.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Armed Robbery705143915816
Unarmed Robbery580131181088

2017-2023 Sexual Assault, Rape & Other Sexual Offences

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen 51 Sexual Offences. They have also recorded 24 rapes and attempted rape. In 2022 Wynnum, QLD saw 132 Sexual Offences. They have also recorded 68 rapes and attempted rape.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Sexual Offences409511324846363660
Rape and Attempted Rape1722468248131718
Other Sexual Offences23727642438231942

2017-2023 Kidnapping & Abduction, Extortion, Stalking Offences

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen 1 kidnappings and Abductions, 1 counts of extortion and 7 counts of stalking. In 2022 Wynnum, QLD saw 5 kidnappings and Abductions, 1 counts of extortion and 13 counts of stalking.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Kidnapping & Abduction Etc.171502261
Life Endangering Acts16718392516182427
Offences Against the Person2110281508311267221243279
Other Offences Against the Person24927583227274236

2017-2023 Unlawful Entry, Arson, Property Damage and more

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD QLD has seen a total of 177 unlawful entries, 8 counts of Arson. In 2022 Wynnum, QLD saw a total of 350 unlawful entries, 9 counts of Arson.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Offences Against Property138941162228017861937236122562112
Other Theft Excl. Unlawful Entry68566391133860924115410941052
Unlawful Entry1987177350261251318321309
Other Property Damage2109183344292378303323286
Unlawful Use of Motor Vehicle88261170128118149127129

2017-2023 Fraud Offences

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen a total of 77 frauds. With 5 through computer, 21 with credit cards and 3 counts of identity fraud. In 2022 Wynnum saw a total of 241 frauds. With 11 through computer, 102 with credit cards and 9 counts of identity fraud.

Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Fraud by Computer53511157546
Fraud by Cheque40000040
Fraud by Credit Card837211028793217154163
Identity Fraud129391733352012
Other Fraud66448119817911713882

2017-2023 Stealing Offences

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen a total of 117 shop stealing offences, 37 stealing from dwelling offences, and 320 other stealing offences. In 2022 Wynnum saw a total of 170 shop stealing offences, 59 stealing from dwelling offences, and 506 other stealing offences.

Stealing Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Stealing from Dwellings49737596685859669
Shop Stealing941117170118124152115145
Other Stealing3348320506395417598609503
Handling Stolen Goods31317333936566666
Possess Property Suspected Stolen98414812172320
Receiving Stolen Property151130235
Possess Etc. Tainted Property20012182824374041
Other Handling Stolen Goods00000000

2017-2023 Drug Offences

In 2023 Wynnum, QLD has seen a total of 208 drug offences, 4 trafficking offence/s, and 99 possession of drugs offences. In 2022 Wynnum saw a total of 642 drug offences, 6 trafficking offence/s, and 264 possession of drugs offences.

There was a 22.99% increase in drug offences from 2021 to 2022.

Drug Offence Total 2023202220212020201920182017
Drug Offences4384208642522677851733751
Trafficking Drugs204631312
Possess Drugs199399264263329380327331
Produce Drugs7734161320912
Sell/Supply Drugs26418133212319743
Other Drug Offences203084235219311429389363

All QLD Crime Statistics

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